In the heart of Punjab, a visionary real estate saga began in 2006, with the birth of Green City Colony - a residential haven where wide, lush green roads, and pristine parks welcomed the first rays of dawn. Over the years, our commitment to excellence has woven a tapestry of sustainable communities that redefine modern living.
Area - 9.80 Acres. It was cities first finest residential project incorporating wider It is having ample parking space, 24 hours CCTV camera.
Green City ColonyArea – 36.47 Acres Green City Group brought its second residential Project under the name Green City Part I & II.
Green City Colony Part – I & IIArea – 48.82 Acres Green City Colony Part III well designed and conceptualized with better services and high living standards and in the year 2012.
Green City Colony Part IIIArea – 47.87 Acres Kanhiya’s Green City is the modern residential township developed under the brand name of Green City Group.
Kanhiya’s Green CityArea – 7.32 Acres Green City Square is the first ambitious commercial project of the Green City Group. It is situated on the National Highway - 54.
Green City SquareArea – 34.27 Acres Wazir-E-Bagh Green City is another feather in cap of Green City Group. The project has been developed by Shriji Developers.
Wazir-E-Bagh Green CityArea – 135.17 Acres The first of its kind commercial and residential project Leo’z Green City is first largest developing township in the state. It will be a ultra-modern township having wider roads.
Leo’z Green CityGreen City Square
Dabwali Road, Near AIIMS Bti
+91 85560 12304
Mr. Sumit Khosla (Marketing Manager)
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